Baby Doing a Random Act of Kindness

Here is Isaac waving at a man walking by with his dog.  The man gave Isaac a smile.  It looks like Isaac might have brightened up his day.  I caught the final part of the wave on film.  He has just started to wave goodbye to Chris in the mornings, so we didn't realize he would start waving at people walking by - we thought this was Isaac's random act of kindness for the day.

Hope you enjoy!  Lots of Love - Judi

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Judi Fox says:

    Because we thought it was cute! It is a nice random act of kindness to greet people, smile, wave, etc... sometimes the smallest acts can be very kind and uplifting to someone having a bad day. Thanks for asking :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I didn't mean "why" the cheesy video. I meant why would you waste so much time creating and updating a personal blog that nobody cares about? Maybe a private blog for your family & friends to peek at (which judging by all the ZERO comments - even they appear disinterested).

  4. Judi Fox says:

    I guess the question for you now is - Why would you want to write a hurtful comment like that? What motivates you to take the time and energy to communicate with me and tell me that you think my family and friends don't care about me? If I can positively touch one person's life then I have made a difference in the short time I have on this planet. It looks like I haven't positively touched your life, but I can pray for you. PS - most of my friends and family make comments, but they make those comments on my personal facebook profile.

  5. I love following your blog, Judy. And I think what you are doing is lovely. Maybe you don't have a ton of followers, but that's not what is important, and I know you know that :)
    Keep smiling and waving, and keep blogging. Even if I don't comment here, I do enjoy reading.

  6. Lourdes says:

    Thanks for posting this Judi! I think it's nice to see Isaac being made aware of his impact on his immediate environment even in this small way. I think it teaches kids good manners and plain common courtesy which is all too often lacking in both the cyber-world and our "real" world. And he's just cute!

  7. Unknown says:

    I can not believe how RUDE some people are. I like how this person asks why you would "waste" time posting updates on your life when they just wasted time being hurtful? And... as a parent who is far from their family, I understand the necessity to keep your family posted. Your blog is a great way to do that. Judi, your response to this sad person was spot on. Sometimes you just have to pray for people like this.

  8. Judi Fox says:

    Thanks for all the comments guys! I really appreciate them :) XO

  9. Judi Fox says:

    hmmmm I was checking the blog and it looks like I might have a setting that is "off" and Tiff (your photo is pretty big) maybe it is just my google chrome browser settings. I guess I am not good enough with HTML. But I am sure people will understand :) XO

    Here is a copy of Tiffany's comment:

    I can not believe how RUDE some people are. I like how this person asks why you would "waste" time posting updates on your life when they just wasted time being hurtful? And... as a parent who is far from their family, I understand the necessity to keep your family posted. Your blog is a great way to do that. Judi, your response to this sad person was spot on.

  10. Oenodog says:

    LOL... Judi - your blog has officially "arrived" Now we can look forward to the spammers and conspiracy theorists joining :-)

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